Thursday, March 31, 2011

Inaugural Post Of !

Welcome to the inaugural post of is a site featuring my photography work, gear reviews, tips and tricks, experiments, and do it yourself projects in regards to the world of photography.  I'm looking forward to sharing ideas, feedback, and projects with other photographers in the community and as always learning from my peers.  I'm also getting more into dslr video now as well.

I've been in love with photography since the 3rd grade but back then I hadn't a clue about shutter speed, asa(iso), aperture, or other photography concepts.  Mom just gave me a kodak instanamatic and let me go to it!  I still have those shots from the field trip to Green Field Village in Michigan.

Years later while in high school on the yearbook staff as a photographer I was allowed to use my fathers old slr camera, a camera that was older than I was.  It was a Nikkormat camera and I've had it ever since.  Unfortunately, its getting less and less use these days but is still a great camera! I still have film!

I'm now a fully dslr photographer and my latest acquisition has been a Nikon D7000, and I'm loving the new camera!  Also with the introduction to a few new concepts from the diy community, I've discovered many new techniques for "off camera flash" photography as well as the previously mentioned dslr video techniques.

So it is with much fanfare that I welcome you to this site and hope that over time this site will be as helpful as those I've learned so much from:

David Hobby -
Zack Arias -
Scott Eggleston -
Dave Knop - Quick FX on YouTube
DeeJay Scharton -

As well as the flickr and instructables community for posting great how to's and diy projects.

Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!

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